What is myofascial release?
The fascia, or nadis, are the pressure points and energy lines running throughout your body. These lines connect to form a scaffolding system of tissue that holds your muscles, bones, and organs in place and transfers important information and fluids throughout the body. The points where these lines intersect are known as your chakras.
The fascia is one of the first parts of the body to develop in the womb and connects every system of your body in every way, making it a foundational part of your wellness. There are 72,000 of these lines running throughout your body! When the fascia lines get kinked or bound up, you feel tension and your mobility is limited. Over time, as you move in the same ways and hold the same postures again and again, your fascia builds up and stiffens in certain areas in order to support you. You get "issues in your tissues"!
Myofascial release is a method of loosening and reshaping the fascia, systemically targeting these lines to release tension and open up the flow of energy throughout the body. By doing so, the body experiences an influx of wellness benefits:
Increased flexibility and strength
Enhanced athletic performance
Pain alleviation
Boosted circulation
More energy
Improved mobility
Accelerated recovery from injury
Stress relief
The Nadi Ball™ is a tool specifically designed to promote myofascial release. The ball has a soft, responsive texture that works in conversation with your body, intuitively allowing it to relax and targeting even the hardest-to-reach places. You'll immediately feel the connections in your body and receive a boost to your well-being.
If you're ready to get rolling and enjoy all the benefits of myofascial release, check out the ways we can help below. Or, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have before getting started.

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Train with Sytera to become an expert in the Nadi Ball Method and add a powerful new tool to your practice and service offerings.
/ 20-hr certification

Become a Nadi Ball Partner! We work with chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, and other practitioners to serve your clients.

If you're looking to get rolling with the Nadi Ball method, you'll need some Nadi Balls! Visit the Nadi shop to get stocked up.