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Writer's pictureSytera Field

An Overview of the Chakra System

There are seven major energy centers in the human body (and the bodies of your animal friends, too). Each center corresponds to a certain internal organ and state of emotion. These energetic hubs are known as chakras, and they are an important aspect of the Nadi Ball Method.

When we isolate myofascial release as a physical healing modality, we miss out on the benefits of working in harmony with the energetic body. This is one of the reasons why the Nadi Ball Method is so unique. By incorporating the chakras into our practice, we see better (and usually faster) results than we do with standard yoga stretching and foam rollers.

Physical and energetic blockages go hand in hand. By beginning with the nervous system and the energetic body, we empower the physical body to heal. So… how can you tell which of your chakras could use a good clearing? Read on to learn about each one.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Reproductive Glands

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra corresponds to the color red. Its mantra is “I am,” and it is the energetic hub of one’s security, foundation, and sense of groundedness. In yoga, we rely on balancing postures to strengthen our connection to our roots. When the root chakra is blocked, we may feel unsafe, unstable, or unable to move forward in the face of life’s challenges.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) - Adrenal Glands

The second chakra is located slightly below the belly button and corresponds to the color orange. The mantra “I feel” encompasses the sensual and creative energy housed in this center. Strengthening the pelvic floor also strengthens the sacral chakra, giving us a greater sense of self, as well as increasing our ability to flow with life. When Svadhisthana is blocked, we may experience decreased passion, as well as increased rigidity and anxiety.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Pancreas

Located in the stomach, this sunshine-yellow chakra says proudly, “I do.” It is the hub of one’s self-esteem and willpower, and we often balance it using core-strengthening exercises. When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, we may feel a distinct lack of drive, determination, or hope for the future.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Thymus Gland

We often associate the heart with the color red or pink, but in the chakra system, it takes on the color green. Its mantra is “I love,” and it corresponds to one’s ability to care and show compassion for others. Midway between the lower and upper chakras, it benefits from heart-opening yoga poses, especially those that incorporate the shoulders. When this chakra is out of alignment, we may feel bitter, spiteful, or generally unbalanced.

Throat Chakra (Vishudda) - Thyroid Gland

As its name indicates, the fifth chakra is located in the throat, and it corresponds to the color blue. The mantra “I speak” invites you to share your truth as only you can. Throat-opening yoga poses improve our communication abilities and increase our creative capacity. You’ll know this energy center is blocked when you struggle to express yourself verbally or be honest with others.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Pineal Gland

The point of deep listening, Ajna is associated with the color indigo and whispers, “I see.” It is located between the eyes and is the hub of intuition, imagination, and perception. It is positively affected by yoga poses and activities that give us a fresh perspective on life and the world. When the sixth chakra is blocked, we may feel uninspired and disconnected from the self.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Pituitary Gland

At the crown of the head, we find our seventh and final chakra, Sahasrara, which is associated with the color violet. Its mantra is “I know,” and it is home to our spiritual connection and wisdom. Meditation is a tried and true way to get in touch with the energy of the crown chakra, and when it is blocked, you’ll know it by an unwillingness to be open to new information and ideas.


We hope this post provides you with a foundation for understanding the chakra system. For more information on the Nadi Ball Method and how it relates to your energetic body, check out What is a Nadi Anyway?

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